
Aether Adrift RPG for Savage Worlds

Created by DemonSkunk Studios

Explore a world of floating islands, Delve into ancient techno-ruins, fight alien beasts and war machines to discover lost technologies Shipping Fees: Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your survey. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Playtest Document Update 1.3
about 2 months ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 10:20:03 AM

Aether Adrift's Playtest Book has been updated to version 1.3

Click to download the Aether Adrift Playtest Book!


Welcome to Venteras

  • Added the Supplies Setting Rule, which points to Goods and Gear for elaboration.
  • Added the Barter and Trade Setting Rule, which points to Goods and Gear.
  • Added the Slowed condition, which reduces your pace by half. Edited several descriptions across the book to reference this condition.
  • Added the Frozen condition, which causes you to become Bound but can be more easily removed with the help of heat or fire.

Creating a Voyager

  • Added the option of draining a nanotech-powered object using the Nano Drain edge.

Goods and Gear

  • Revised Barter and Trade rules for clarity.
  • Added the rules for Supplies, an abstracted item that can be ‘converted’ into certain other items to simulate preparedness
  • Fixed alphabetization of Adventuring Gear
  • Added Illumination Flare, clarified that Signal Flare is designed to be shot out of a mortar, grenade launcher, or shotgun.
  • Renamed the Fulgori gear and weapons to have unique ID numbers instead of everything being Type-#.
  • Renamed Signal Flare and Hand Flare to Flare, Signal and Flare, Hand. Renamed Rarana Oil and Scented Oil to Oil, Rarana and Oil, Scented
  • Added Illumination Flare and clarified that flares can be shot from Grenade Launchers, Mortars or Shotguns. 
  • Added a note to the Prosthetics description that specifies that prosthetics can be easily customized using a fabricator.
  • Removed the Revolver weapon trait because it has no mechanical basis in SW
  • Added the Returning weapon trait and changed the Boomerang and Bladed Boomerang description to reference it.
  • Added a note to the Hover Parts mentioning that they can be used to add Returning to a weapon.
  • Fixed the weight of Gel Rounds from ⅕ to 1/50.
  • Changed ammo weight to represent the quantity of ammo you get for one ‘trade value’
  • Alphabetized (hopefully all of) the gear section.
  • Added rules for how many items you can get for free in friendly towns, and added penalties for trading for large amounts of common or uncommon gear.
  • Added a note at the beginning of each Ammo section that clarifies that when trading for Ammo you get a box full of the amount listed in the Weight section, and that trading less than a full box is worth on rarity less.
  • Clarified canister shot rules for fulgori tank rounds.

Fixed Improved Arm Cannon damage from 1d6 to 1d8.

Guide to Planet Venteras

  • Added mikwa naming convention to the mikwa infodoc.

Building a Base

  • Added a section explaining what features are and clarified that more people helping makes the work go faster
  • Added a Recycler that can be built using a Fabricator, and allows the party to recycle items into Albatross Supplies.
  • Added a Nano Recycler that can be built using a Big Replicator, and allows the party to recycle items into Nanopods.
  • Aded a mention to the Replicator that it can create ‘precursor supplies’ limited to the item’s library.
  • Added bridges to the description of Roads in Utilities.

Controlling Nanotech

  • Changed the Nanotech Error Table results for Cold to Entangle on a Critical Failure, and Arc from Staggered to Shaken, Stunned with a Critical Failure.

Shaping an Island

  • Added 2 new biome types to round out the generation tables Miasma (volcanic area with toxic vents) and Mushroom Lake. (Lake filled with mushrooms)
  • Fixed Dormant Volcano’s short description to match its long description.

Generating an Adventure

  • Changed name to Running an Adventure
  • Deleted the second instance of ‘Precursor Events’ table.
  • Added Travel rules to the beginning of the chapter and reorganized the tables.

Secrets of the Empire

  • Removed Recoil +1 from MSR-4X because it only holds 1 bullet and can’t autofire.

Secrets of the Precursors

  • Corrected ‘weight’ to ‘weigh’ in the Compression Pack’s Notes.
  • Fixed the table entries for several precursor melee weapons that had been shifted.
  • Added several new precursor items: Heat Drops, Cool Drops, Antidote Drops, Nanotech Shard, Arms of Dora, Loader Pack, Downsizer, Shiftool, Nano Statue, Hard-light Statue, and Hologram Pedestal.
  • Added mention of the Orbital Defense Field that is holding the Albatross.

Creatures and Characters

  • Added new creatures: Adrasnutl, Arpakichwi, Arpakichwipu, pipipupu abi, Rara’kupachi, Sinchi’arpalqu, uku’moko’chi, wabun’pumkaywa, wakusuka mushroom, wanra’kupachi.
  • Added template: Ray’pachi.
  • Most artwork temporarily removed from the bestiary until the bestiary is creature-complete.

Playtest Document 1.2
5 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 02:44:07 PM

Aether Adrift Playtest Document 1.2

Aether Adrift has been updated to playtest version  1.2

Aether Adrift Playtest Book 1.2


  • Added chapter names to the sides of every page.

Ch 2 - Creating a Voyager

  •  Corrected a typo in Advanced Arm Blade description. “hit knife” changed to “hot knife”
  • Clarified that Dual Boot can be linked to an untrained skill, and that the untrained skill is treated as d4-2, not gained at d4.
  • Added notes about sign language to the Languages subsection.
  • Added Ukusin and Ukusuka ancestry stats.
  • Compressed the Seasoned version of Archetypes to make room for pictures.

Ch 3 - Gear

  • Human Adventuring Gear table headers corrected. 
  • Climbing Rifle RoF corrected from 7 to 1. Weight corrected from 1 to 7
  • Climbing Scattergun RoF corrected from 8 to 1. Weight corrected from 14 to 8.
  • Climbing Rifle/Scattergun blade damage added to Notes.
  • Scavenged Battle Helmet coverage corrected from Torso to Head.
  • Removed AP reduction from Broadhead and Great Broadhead Arrow.
  • Removed Damage reduction from Needle and Great Needle Arrow.
  • Corrected Rail Slug’s size from 2mm to 20mm.
  • Added Nonlethal (Optional) to human energy weapons.
  • Changed the “Recharge X” Property to “Cooldown X” to avoid confusion with the Rechargeable property.
  • Removed No Recoil property from Gear section because it is already mentioned in the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook, and should be self explanatory.
  • Alphabetized Weapon Notes
  • 3RB removed from all Arm Cannon variants because it is useless. Improved Arm Cannon’s Rate of Fire reduced to 2
  • Made minor tweaks to layout for usability.

Ch - 5 Nanotech

  • Added clarification that Nanotech powers can be Maintained while resting, but stop when Incapacitated. 
  • Corrected ENHANCE’s rank from Rank to Novice.

Ch 6 - Base Building

  • Precursor Motor Pool now upgrades Motor Pool instead of Garage.
  • Increased the construction time of some features
  • Re-formatted Fabricator and Replicator names so they’re easier to read.
  • Added Roads to the base improvements.

Ch 7̶ 12 - Bestiary

  • Moved from Chapter 7 to Chapter 12.
  • Major changes to descriptions of special abilities, beasts, and special effects.
  • Added Engulf, Tremorsense, and Blind Sense to special abilities at the beginning of the chapter.
  • Ipu Paquancharappa’s drone effect given an effective range of 12” instead of ‘if you can hear it’.
  • Edited the descriptions and stats of each pakupachi variant to save space.
  • Changed the Mokopulu’pakupachi’s name to Mokopulu’pachi
  • Increased the Pakupachi’s athletics to d4. Increased the Kuchi’pakupachi’s Athletics to d6.
  • Increased the Rappakachapachi’s Athletics to d10

Ch 9 - Secrets of the Empire

  • Edited the descriptions and stats of each fulgori soldier to save space.
  • Rearranged the equipment section to closer match the Gear section’s layouts (moving tables before descriptions in most instances)
  • Fixed table coloration and made minor tweaks to formatting for readability.

Ch 10 - Secrets of the Precursors

  • Edited the descriptions and stats of each precursor drone to save space.
  • Rearranged the equipment section to closer match the Gear section’s layouts (moving tables before descriptions in most instances)
  • Fixed table coloration and made minor tweaks to formatting for readability.

Planned Future Changes

Chapter 6 (Building a Base) will be converted into a chapter about exploring, including the rules for travel, a list of the different environments, and weather. A lot of the fulgori's Type-# gear is going to get a rename to something less banal and repetitive, but still with the same flavor.

I'm unreasonably excited to have custom wild card symbols working. Look at it, it's glorious!

We're still running open playtests every Saturday, so come by the Discord Server if you're interested in joining!

That's all for now, Voyagers!

Weekly Playtesting begins on Mar 9
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 07:17:36 PM

Greetings, Voyagers!

It's almost time for us to start up our official weekly playtests!

Weekly Voyages

Welcome to the Eastern Roost, a newly established Voyager outpost on southeastern Elisi!

Over the course of several months, You and your fellow Voyagers will build this humble outpost into a thriving base by taking on jobs from the local communities and Voyager Command.

You will create a character at Novice level, and every time you complete a job, whether successful or non, you will gain one Advance. You may make as many characters are you like, and all will stay at the same level of advances.

Any spoils you bring back from a job well done can be kept for your character or added to the base armory for anyone to use. Any helpful NPCs you bring back from a job well done will join the base and may offer new services.

Approximately 1 week of game-time will pass between jobs, within which time you can socialize with your fellow voyagers, get to know each other, plan your next moves, and vote on which new improvements to construct - Though some necessary improvements will have to be  found on the job, like albatross fabricators or generators.

Upon the completion of every session, you will be asked to fill out a Feedback Form, and your group may be asked to give live feedback on your experience with the game and session.

What Time

Weekly Voyages will begin around 3:00 CST

How To Join

If you'd like to come on a Weekly Voyage, join our Discord Server and go to the #get-roles channel and click on the 🏕️camping emoji to give yourself the Weekly Voyager role.

If you've done it correctly you will now see the #playtest-material channel. There you can find the Aether Adrift Playtest Book. Please note that you will need a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition in order to create a character and participate in the playtest.

Once you have a copy of SWADE and the Aether Adrift Playtest Book find the Roll20 link in #weekly-voyage, log in to your Roll20 account (or make one if you don't have one), click on the Journal tab once you're in the game and click +Character to get your character sheet.

Feel free to ping a Designer on Discord if you need help. I recommend also downloading the form-fillable character sheet from #playtest-materials and filling that out as a backup in case anything happens to your Roll20 sheet.

Aether Adrift Playtest Document 1.1

We've also updated the Aether Adrift Playtest Book to 1.1

Playtest 1.1 Changelog


  • All instances of Venterra or Ventus changed to Venteras.
  • Fixed several typos and adjusted writing for clarity and intent.


  • Added Table of Contents.


  • Biogel Bandages no longer require the Healing skill to use.
  • Rearranged Gear chapter to put the tables ahead of the descriptions in each section for better readability.


  • Corrected Ipu Paquancharappa’s  Toughness to 11 (2) from 9 (2).

Special Thanks

  • Corrected second Colonists tier to Explorers.

Planned Future Changes

The Bestiary will be moved into the GM section. I would have done it already, but moving the chapter into the GM section will require changing all of the graphical elements and formatting to match the purple and red GM styling, so it can wait until later.

Playtest Soft Launch!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 06:00:10 PM

Greetings, Voyagers! 

Last update I said we had a 'frighteningly large' update to share with you soon. 

As it turns out, time is subjective. 

I had hoped to have this update done by the end of November, but as it turns out the sheer amount of content that we wrote for Aether Adrift is considerably larger than either of us had realized until I started putting it all in one place. When November ended, I had hoped to have this update to you in time for Christmas, but I ended up working too hard on it in November and burning myself out.

But now it's January, and we present to you...

The Aether Adrift Playtest Document

A preview image of the Aether Adrift Playtest document, with the first page of each chapter spread out left to right.
Click to download the Aether Adrift Playtest document

Reduced File Size Version

Playtest Feedback Questionnaire 

Big disclaimer: This is nowhere near finished. There are a fair few instances of placeholder text, inconsistent design elements, The Table of Contents is completely unfinished, and likely more. As much as I want to go back and sand down those rough edges, I've been looking at this document for too long and it needs other peoples' eyes on it.

This document represents a sort of minimum viable product for Aether Adrift. It contains all of the elements that we want to be present in the final product. Do keep in mind that nothing here is permanent. Things may be changed, added, or even removed depending on what testing reveals. With one exception, no Shaper content is currently present in the book. 

One big section that isn't in the book yet is the GM's guide to Elisi. The final book is intended to have a relatively fleshed out Elisi to use mostly out of the box, but we haven't started on that yet.

Regardless, this document is ready for playtesting.

Shaper Content

Now that the 'promised content' is mostly complete, we will be reaching out to our Shaper backers to start finalizing their ideas properly. If you are a Shaper, please read the new lore and mechanics in the Playtest document and use that new information to help solidify your idea in preparation!

What We Need From You

Read the book from cover to cover, take note of any questions you have, any misspellings or errors you see, any time something seems unclear or confusing.

Players who don't want anything about the setting spoiled should stop reading before the GM section. Don't worry about missing it, there's a two page spread and the color scheme changes to denote the GM section.

Prospective GMs, or folks who are more interested in the setting than the 'game', I would like your honest feedback on the GM chapters. Any information you feel is 'missing' from any of the sections, and questions about the setting or world that you as a GM feel are not answered adequately, and any of the random tables or generation tools that you don't think are useful or fit for purpose.

Please be honest, but try to be constructive. We can't improve Aether Adrift without knowing what needs to be built on or cut out.

How Does Playtesting Work?

If you are a Savage Worlds GM, or know a Savage Worlds GM, you can (and should) take this book and run your own campaign of Aether Adrift. Come to the Demonskunk Studios Discord Server to get access to some playtest adventures. Take notes of what you do and don't like. After each session, you and your players should complete the feedback form.

If you're not a GM and don't know one, we will be running public playtests with an open, persistent world. Players would be free to bring their own character and join in on any given session.

We'll have more details on the public playtests after we've had a bit of time to rest and decompress.

Areas of Concern

My current concerns are mostly around the GM sections. Sam and I worry that the random event table, terrain generation, and 'dungeon' generation rules aren't good enough. We're not sure how necessary they are, or how much use folks will get out of them. I'm very concerned with scope creep and the size of the book, since we're sitting at nearly 300 pages and most of the art isn't even in the book. We're considering whether it would be better to spin the random generation systems into a supplemental PDF, or move them to a separate or future book.

The other area is the Precursor and Empire chapters. I worry that there isn't enough information for a GM to work off of. It's possible (and likely) that I'm over planning. I'm very consciously comparing Aether Adrift to something like Golarion or the Forgotten Realms, which have had years, decades, to be developed and worked through.

The last area of concern is where to put the bestiary. I'm not sure if it should be at the back of the player's section, or the back of the book. Players with the Beast Master edge can choose a creature to have as a companion, and characters should be able to have some familiarity with the creatures on Elisi from general exposure. On the other hand, the bestiary tends to be the purview of the GM, and some of the beasts in there are rare or extremely scary, and not things the players should have knowledge of before hand.

Sam feels that the equipment list is lacking in SMGs or similar personal defense weapons, but isn't sure we should add more because we already have so much equipment in the book already.

Finally, we're both concerned about higher level play. Most of our experience with Savage Worlds hovers around Seasoned. We don't have many options specifically tailored boy Veteran and higher characters, and we aren't sure if high level play will feel lacking or not.

What Happens Now?

We take a break. Maybe a month or two, so we can come back with fresh eyes. Once we're (hopefully) rested, get started on building out the playtest sandbox and then provide you with another update.

Happy Halloween!
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 06:42:00 PM

Happy Halloween from Demonskunk Studios

A mikwa and human wearing sheet-ghost costumes chase two fulgori soldiers
A mikwa and human play a spooky prank on some patrolling Fulgori soldiers.

We've been hard at work on Aether Adrift, and will have a frighteningly large update to deliver to you very soon! Be safe and have fun during the spookiest night of the year!

That's all for now, Voyagers!

Voyager Command, Signing Out!